From Heaven’s Tribes in Authority Forever

✾ Money

If you love money, then you hate the Lord God. If you hate money, then you love the Lord God. There is no in between. And all real Christians hate money because of one main reason, it is controlled by this world and not their Master. Many that this world calls Jews very much hate that control also, not power to get wealth, often more than Christians. Secrets known, the Father in Heaven chooses you, not you chose Him as written. Certain ways of this world, in controlling further a forms against the Bible, such as conspiracy by Jews reach many trusting in the control of money without the Lord God, including a man that gave America the first automobile, or as he thought he did. The power to get wealth is upon all, not just a few as the false prophets lie; and of Henry Ford the great inventor and so called Father of the Automobile for America, he failed. He chose to curse Israel. Henry Ford relied upon his understanding in pride of success in this world achieved, becoming offended of the Lord God’s will. The very famous Bible verse, the love of money is the root of all evil is a reverse statement of “root” as normally thought of. The things above the root are pleasing in sight of natural things, however underneath is a foundation(root) of rotting and loss. You can’t serve two Masters and love both of them as written directly from Christ’s tongue to his disciples. Thus Christ even went further to say, you cannot be a disciple of mine if you do not hate your own family. Sounds very rude? Hate your own families in exchange for being a Disciple? However the context of time & place was if you’re so called family, or you’re so called friends hate the Lord God and love the world’s ways, you will hate that as a follower of Christ. Money is bullied as being Master in the United States of America continually, nonstop. There are many women of the USA, that will answer in smiles that money is more important than love, when their hearts exposes their Master. And many men that agitate the a cursed circumstance for them further. A great abomination and direct reflection of ancient Babylon, that also enforced status by material wealth greatly. Yet as followers of Christ is known and not feared more than the Lord God. A common verse remembered is Christ speaking of the end times more importantly, as in the days of Noah will be the end times… Why? How? What was common among haters of God during Noah’s time? Sarcasm. Sarcasm was abundant, the very prevalent matter in all the ways of money being enforced as Master as a side show in other beliefs; and if those that love money are to ignore the Lord God further in demise, no renewing of the mind, and trust in men’s wisdoms only. Sarcasm comes in two main forms used against the Holy Scriptures truths. Is either from the stronghold of material things desired, or from fear. The fear category can be a fear of the Lord God somewhere in a man or woman’s heart. That is Good(God). And can allow an anointed person by Christ great advantage in reaching the person further, within Christ’s words loved and explained more narrowly using His Name. Greater power than money as Master, a hundred fold moreover of Christ’s Name. Whereof the Master behind the control of money in this world via fear of nonexist done in Eden, ultimately defeated by the Word of God forever. Money being the most heavy subject of many people not found in the book of Life also and by their own choice will enter into Hell for eternity. The mark of the Beast of modern tracking & electronic money emphasis further being a unforgivable if taken by a man or woman. A direct spiritual signing with their bodies in the future, that the Antichrist/Love of money is their Master forever.

✾ Sarcasm

Idols formed against Israel in the past we’re of many demonic spirits running freely, without defeat. If there was a great demonic stronghold among idol worshipers, then was great sarcasm immediately noticed by priest and prophets. In fact much of the Bible is opposite of sarcasm, being heavily Hebraic focused on direct questions to sons of man what will also be your choice. This allowed the Holy Bible to be strictly formed of verses relating to Covenant only. That the immediate dangers of getting involved with idols and ways of the world, never to be a nice and happy ending. Moreover illustrated in the book of Revelation. The Lord God still the same God of highest justice done, or to be done. Enemy number one’s responses to all the Scriptures importance is sarcasm, as written in the book of Job whereof the Lord God repeatedly ask that Enemy where have you been. The enemies answer always sarcasm when facing the higher authority than they. In today’s world, that same sarcasm against the Lord God is expanded thru advertising, movies, music, workplace hierarchy, social status, and even the workings of art greatly. Idols in the distant past of worshipped appearance or prolonged gossip. Gossip involves idolatry heavily in the vanities of arts embellished, channeled thru trust in men’s wisdoms. A fact that much sarcasm for a Christian facing against Scripture today, may come directly by science answers everything. Hope in promises by men and women is not anything new under the sun. The hope in promises from the Lord God easily over weigh hopes in men’s wisdoms. A man or woman that loves money and there foundation hope in wisdoms of this world being a better future… somewhere in them is great concern not to go down that path.

✾ Antichrist

Satan was the False Prophet that promised Eve God doesn’t really know what you need. Satan was also the False Prophet that tricked King David directly, to do a count of Israel. Wherever you would uncover the Satan in recorded Scripture is directly related to false prophecy. And if Satan uses prophecy from Scripture, as with speaking promises for Jesus directly is always rearranged in a false outcome further. There are many Antichrist as is now, written clearly from a Apostle of Christ. Your main enemy Satan is very real and very smart. Much smarter than any men on Earth, his spiritual workings much like a chop shop owner. He steals, divides the parts of other ownership, distributes and leaves to another chop shop. Him being at in the open and clearly visible is a rare thing, he absolutely doesn’t want you to believe he exist. And at this time in history of men, he absolutely would want you to believe there is no God and that Holy Bible not modern enough. A easier position to fool many many more, when he will be allowed to give power of miracles to the Antichrist.

(The Antichrist who will enforce the mark of the Beast? The known prophet on Earth now, named Mark Biltz has made significant direct statements the Antichrist will be as King Solomon’s demise. Is written the Antichrist will know dark sayings, as is a reflection of Solomon. And also, the number 666 elsewhere written of in the Bible, rather than the book of Revelation is both related to money and Solomon. More importantly the number related to loan involving money. The False Prophet that is and was Satan from the beginning, needs a type person as Solomon knowing the ways of men’s struggles throughout to trick them. And that the destruction of Israel is always a higher priority for the Dragon and his dominion, Israel being very hated by many false prophets. The Antichrist will know great dark sayings from the False Prophet, that fools many into a acceptance of great fear of the Antichrist, being a indestructible person. Two things to be not secret anymore of the Antichrist in the future: Christians of no root are the first high priority targets, not having a Root of David understandings related to all Scripture of the Holy Bible, One Covenant. That Antichrist, with the False Prophet will come against the Christian Church’s of no root in Zion’s non-malformed feast and ceremonies and prevail against them. Many priest in Israel, easily observing much confusion entangled from past idolatry(Paganism) mixed in Christian Churches. From names of days to accepted feast & ceremonies not in alignment of the true Source. In happens fast. Jewish people in Nazi Germany quickly realized they we’re in the wrong place. Go paint and celebrate eggs in Pagan Traditions… there is the Jewish Jesus saying what are you doing? The book of Revelation upfront in words beginning warns of a setting of only 2 out of 7 churches for Christ being acceptable. Either you want real truth or you just playing a game. As a mathematician owned by the Lord, I can also easily see the Yeshua holding up a painted egg for a Goddess tradition and fast balling it into some obstacle. And of the food fashioned of eggs called Devil’s Eggs, there is no real cursing words in Hebrew, however that scene also not nice and happy speaking most likely. Knowingly eating something sacrificed for idols in enjoyment, is of a same in smiling at the Lord God that He be a liar. When that happens, the Lord God can drop any spiritual protection, as was done in the book of Ezekiel written of.)

❃ Death

There is two deaths Christ explained and easily forgotten, because death is not a nice subject. A second death is where the soul is ultimately destroyed by God, or the decisions a person made in rejecting the LORD, the path went was went into a place already prepared for Satan and his followers. Heaven and Hades(Hell) are more real than this blog post, or much else in this world. Everything surrounding you in the great parallel vastness of infinity of the living God, of great recording. Every word, thought, action, memory, dream, and prayers. No man or woman with a legitimate excuse in there is no God, from just observations of the amazing versatility of living things abundant on Earth. In that all life has a direct highest intelligent Source that is LIFE. Any wanting a believer in the Lord God to feel alone, irrelevant and true divine comedy. If the LORD has told you do something and involves computer science, then I can listen, think, and make decision. Anything involving a destruction of Israel very hated. Beware.

Love Money + Love Sarcasm + Reject Christ = Hell

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