Ice Cold Christians

✾ The Real Holy Bible

Before Christ left after being resurrected, He taught His Disciples many versus of the Scriptures. Jesus directly spoke I want you either hot or cold, lukewarm unacceptable. The book of Revelation is heavily focused on Zion @ the established Kingdom of God on Earth in the future. Zion is the fundamental Covenant bonding to Jerusalem’s established presence on Earth in government approach and task. Holy Angels very real and have been a crucial part of the Scripture’s Covenant since the beginning and even now. To have deep roots of the Holy Bible involves Hebraic understanding, no other way around it. And without it, often certain things pertaining to Scripture get redirected for some other purposes, or misunderstandings as recorded of the historical past. Though much of what is called the new Testament Scriptures in original Greek language for the then Gentiles, the Feast of God, Psalms singing, very direct prophecy from Heaven, and even language communication in Heaven is all Hebraic related. It is of that form in the promises made to Moses and Israel, whereof parallel further Heaven and Earth temples established connection. The connected conditions of when all Holy Angels in Heaven now involved in the Hebraic nature of that Covenant also. When reading any part of the Bible from a historical perspective, or the prophecy futures related to the Kingdom of God on Earth established in the near future, always an attention to Hebraic roots involved within guidance of ancient paths not corrupted by translation, or other matters mixed. Without that mode of direction to the one Holy Covenant, easily skewed to other things not recognized in Heaven further. There are many sayings that many say, yet not found in the Scriptures, especially in English language. Things such as God only helps them that help themselves… A cold Christian is like ice on hearing such unrelated Covenant things. He or she has a strong context background in absolutes of the promises in Scriptures, and doubt of the LORD’s power can possibly be nonexistent depending on the person’s experiences. Being anxious, or hyped of feel good sermons is usually not found of them. The same can also get as angry as rattlesnakes, if they see and hear someone preaching things more related to usury from Scriptures, rather than true Shalom(Peace) Some of them not so talkative can be very much a case also, whereof they wait on the LORD exclusively in research of things further as Holy Angels also do. The hot believer is related to being not so solid in Covenant understandings. Can be shifted around in new perspectives by some feel good, or life instructional hyped messages involving the world’s successes mixed in. Knowing the dangers thereof. However, in that hot Christians are one with the Covenant thru faith in God and prayer is considered very sound. The cold Christian not overly bothered by them, in that they could possibly figure out a new true hidden meaning in Scripture somewhere, or great charity done. Makes Covenant related directions more interesting. The cold Christian being one that is not going to stop believing in direct Covenant any time soon. Solid, ice cold. Godhead.

✾ Exodus

Alot of people consider the Exodus in the Bible not real, that then compounds to all other matters of the Bible not real, or just mere story telling of nonmodern people. Christ gave direct warning of that, saying if they don’t believe Moses, how will they believe in me? Basically, the Christ Jesus was saying I am the Exodus, for your sakes in form of a question and most likely spoken in Hebrew. The Hebrew word for question is “she’ela”, that comes in a form of a absolute state or construct state question arrangements. The Holy Bible’s Scriptures in Hebrew, the first civilization appearance of directing questions in absolute statements abundant, from the Lord God. Whereof questions are directly already answered in Covenant together meanings, rather than open for debate not answered. The first of absolute questions from the Lord God seen in the book of Job. Absolute question forming in Scripture is against the Liar, Satan himself that directs constructive type questions for later answering against the Lord God’s will by persons. Again, very Covenant related is the Hebraic root of restoration. Often when persons apply constructive questioning against Scripture; often done in a feelings perspective, than seeking a absolute context of the Scriptures as a whole. A solid token of Scripture, that government related things to Scripture by the Lord God will not be questioned against from confusion, or worldly inspired matters outside of Covenant. Both constructive and absolute questions related to prophecy in the Bible further deeper. The Hebraic constructive questioning seen in prophecy choice related, narrowly constructed to already absolute Hebraic questions from the Lord God knowns done. The same matter confuses enemies of the Covenant in faith, whereof they are taught to speak questions in absolute form from Scriptures memorized in public or private meetings. A circumstance of now and in the near future, when the Kingdom of God will be established on Earth in Jerusalem. Is paramount in Hebraic root communication, that the Covenant holders be of a main protocol in communication understanding with each other, not alarmed of the Lord God’s will further of reading, speaking, and writing. And Zion specific, that brings on thanks to the Lord God and not confused of other followings.

✾ Israel as promise

The truth about Heaven, very organized to Covenant only already established. The honoring Seed task of Heaven’s Temple by the Lord God and Holy Angels is absolutes to everlasting given, not given because we deserved it, grafted in or not. In that is a great immersion of ruling very different from this world’s rulings. There is no violation of the living God’s promises feared. Fear of promises broken is widely abound on Earth now, from news to ill workplace hierarchy from men’s wisdoms trusted only. Those that are taught by the Word of God, know one very important verse. God is not mocked. That does involve due season and partnership greatly in rest. Rest also very different meaning in root Covenant, compared to this world’s philosophical outtakes of rest. Rest is not considered instructional by this world, a foundation of rest mixed into anxious actions on material gain and success. That causes competitive attributes against men and women increased, destruction of Earth. Destruction of Earth will not be tolerated from New Jerusalem when the Kingdom of God is established in Israel soon. Asking and receiving from the Father in Heaven thru the Lord will be great wonder and peace throughout Earth complete. No fear of nonexist.

❃ Information

The time frame now of great gain in knowledge increased. Is good, however as the book of Revelation warns in vain following if against the Covenant by the Lord God. Cold Christians alike, not unusual to have unique knowledge, both technical and environmental. The Word of God, impossible to return void. The Lord God does not do favoritism. Faith will determine the greatest destination, not money, gossip, or other divisions.

לא יכול
חסר כבוד