The Roaring Lion Defeated

✾ Sizing up

The most memorized Bible verse about the Adversary, against the Lord God is a roaring lion. Is often associated with attacking, however being around lions out in the bush doesn’t mean a lion is attacking because of roaring. A male lion most usually roars to purpose his dominance. To spread fear and control. This same matter can easily be seen and heard in our world, whereof money is continually purposed as Master. And those that have a stronghold on it, not with the Lord God in mind do roar to spread fear thereof, 24 hours a turn of Earth. From celebrity gossip to children’s toys, even popular music and worldly acceptance. When the Devil is not attacking, then is watch and roaring all day as written. An activity meant for God’s people also to fear and accept this world’s ways. Whether by mixing it into the temple or not. The other Lion, the Lion of Judah is roaring back with greatest authority. In the authority taken from man in Eden, is reestablished 100% with Christ right now, not tomorrow. The Name of Christ Jesus strikes great fear to the Dragon and his angels. What was once hidden about the things in prophecy before, now visible for all chosen. Any promises from this world, of some other following upon some other Master, completely defeated in the spiritual realm. Christians will not follow another Master they do not recognize. And the sharpness of Jesus’s words can’t be deleted. His words covering the entire topic for those chosen to trust Him exclusively, and why this world is not home and their citizenship not of it now. From the explaining of parables to how prayer is of to the Father in Heaven. Not of a God confused with other Gods at all, that display no fatherly objective.

✾ Michael the Archangel

Michael in Hebrew means like God. Is a name given to a first of angels titled Archangels, that is of great authority over the Holy Angels. Michael is of instances directly Covenant related only. Whereof Covenant with Israel direct protection and abound throughout Earth guarded. Any occasion of men persuaded in controlling pride, to arrange curse upon Christians considered lesser, is watched closely and not pleasing. The Lord God knowing the entire picture of men’s dealings on Earth, no man or woman’s heart hidden; and the Archangel Michael can be compared to 5 Star General status of Holy Angels. Circumstances related to a karma definition, Michael the Archangel is placed in a absolute win against the Dragon and his angels. No other testimony more powerful than Christ’s words and Sacrifice done. A very dangerous outcome to go against and underestimate fitting within the Kingdom of God, of spiritual guardian assignments throughout. And many enemies of Israel in the past never saw revenge coming, until was upon them. The Holy Angels are very real and absolutely love their lives not into death as written. They do not hesitate when the Lord God commands them into action.

✾ Judgment of angels

A part of the Holy Scriptures includes a big problem far from us, before that problem got mixed with us here on Earth. It involved a war before war was on Earth. The Lord God all knowing and all power of life, not scared of letting things carry on for a grand finale achieved. The decision made of Earth formed, with abundant life and us. We are in the image of God, the main thing hated among the fallen angels about us. Billions of people that look like God on Earth right now. However, we are not God. This special arrangement of us on Earth and Earthlings, where no other life can be seen in the vastness around us pertains to the inner man, or spiritual connection with the Lord God by inner means only. Vessels of God’s creative power in us, no matter if the fear of nonexist is implanted into our minds by the enemy. And of that is the relevance of worship to the Lord God now and in the future forever. The sons of God removed from Heaven worshipped the one against the Lord God, making boast of the numerous against the Father in Heaven’s authority. The Lord God is not concerned with many as written. And in that trusted will be judgement shared and everlasting life. In that the Father in Heaven saw this Earth very fitting for us to include of a such a problem solved, none higher than the living God that owns Earth and everything in it. All glory belonging to God of no beginning of days or ending of days more importantly. That no being created God or gave God authority. And of Christ Jesus; was not shameful to proclaim I AM when asked, being the only perfect Sacrifice thru the Father’s will as the beloved Son of God now in ultimate victory for all men and women, that believe and call upon His Name as the only true Redeemer with the Father.

❃ Patience

Each person designed by the Lord God knows patience. Patience is a attitude rather than time, or the time is money saying not found in Scripture. Is divine relational to taking of the Bible. You must desire a better opportunity in divine patience further more explained. Knowing the enemies ways against you doesn’t necessarily bring about great patience. The great patience being the Enemy is already defeated. Though your enemy may watch you for a attack later, the attack by your Enemy cannot stop belief. No matter how tall the enemy, weapons, or material wealth. The Word of God remains in infinite Grace and Peace forever and ever.

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