Inhabited Palindromic Design

✾ One of One

“Zeh” is Hebraic for “that” in English, however “that” is also commonly used of question formings. Whereof when persons saying my name Zael(Zehel) are saying a question of that El topic. That God? Then answer being I’m not God, however love that living God knowing that el godly further. El is in ancient reference to a less generally outward God word, and of directly related to God’s inward assembly Elohim of non-corrupted to keep, hold, or take of agreement; and nevertheless is not uncommon to see typings of God as G*d because is too general in speaking. That as in that directly, understood. Now let’s talk about cycles, due to certain questions on some of my blog post here and Who my God is. Cycles are very important to the environment and our own lives. We know outwardly the Earth completes it’s own rotation every 24 hours; and further the Earth finishes a rotation around the Sun every 365 days more outwardly. Then going outwardly more, the numbers increase substantially; whereof becomes difficult for us to comprehend without abstraction notations. My God is very different from other Gods on this topic. My God does not sleep, neither is bothered of being labeled nothing by men or women. Of such things my God is One as written, before my God was written nothing.

✾ Leap Abstraction

There are several constants in the Bible, like 144 and 24. The focus of squaring in mathematics pertains directly to area, or space. Going inward of things not seen naturally, vibrations determine expansion or non-expansion moreover. Leap abstraction involves a grouping of constants to one constant, however in relevant and obvious squaring methods to angles, or rotations in circular forms within squaring appropriate to foundation. A circumstance of within & without being both within to sacred definition. Of each constant having two different purposes to a attaining set as one constant. Even the Hebrew language very known of same type significance of words individual in form of one verse, or sentence complete of needed meaning. When you speak words, you vibrate the air around you causing the already constants in that area, to parallel actions of further constants consumed of certain ranges from your spoken point. Spiritual importance to leap abstraction, leap abstraction is a constants category combined of both without and within. Meaning what you speak is very important, is inset in commanding from your own awareness that you are in the image of God. No other creatures on Earth comparable to your understanding and imagination. You being alone in the tremendous vast expanse of the heavens is not real inwardly. Leap abstraction of a inward set compression of mathematical possibles, rather than more outwardly.

✾ What is a few to God

A few to God as written nevertheless defined, that you be one with God. The other defining moment of what is a few, with both within & without combined, of a same as Pi’s sharpness. Can involve God changing things instantly, *without any changing of God. For example, the common Bible terminology of a thousand equaling one is of projection and return. Both can be a equal numbering of constants combined, that serve as a application intersection of molds within dimensions, or string origami connected of vibrations controlling heat not seen of further in abstract layer. In that what is already created, being vastly one palindrome in character to quantum mechanics further; circular projection and return upon us maintained by forwarding only, the now. Answering what is a few to God also includes resistance. Heat is created by resistance and without out it, we vanish into everything stopped. God saying I will consume everything as written, related to heat and cannot stop. Is very significant in that no other God applies such direct science related terms, my God the Consuming Fire.

❃ Thanks

Thanks for reading my blog post. Be not beast. Be blessed. Adonai hoo Shalom

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